

Palette.js is a minimal group of utilities made for fast web development. To use, add this to your website:

<script src="https://palettejs.glitch.me/p.js"></script>

Here is a list of the available functions:

Function Description
sleep Returns a promise that resolves after a given number of milliseconds.
$ Returns the first element that matches the given CSS selector.
$$ Returns a list of all elements that match the given CSS selector.
cookie Returns the value of the specified cookie.
copy Copies the given string to the user's clipboard.
uuid Generates a random UUID.
unique Generates a unique string.
isDarkMode A boolean that indicates whether the user's device is in dark mode or not.
Object.prototype.on Adds an event listener to the object and returns the object.
Object.prototype.attr Sets the value of the specified attribute on the object and returns the object.
Object.prototype.fadeIn Smoothly fades the object in using the duration defined in parameter in millis (default 300) and returns the object.
Object.prototype.fadeOut Smoothly fades the object out using the duration defined in parameter in millis (default 300) and returns the object.
String.prototype.reverse Returns the reverse of the string.
String.prototype.remove Removes all occurrences of the specified substring from the string.
String.prototype.capitalizeFirst Returns the string with the first character capitalized.
Array.prototype.average Returns the average of all the elements in the array.
Array.prototype.removeDuplicates Returns a new array with all duplicate elements removed.
Array.prototype.each Shorthand for Array.prototype.forEach